Austin Women's Health Center Blog&Inspiration

Your Prenatal Appointment Schedule Journey with Austin Women’s Health

October 16, 2024
prenatal appointment schedule

Pregnancy can be a wonderful and life-changing journey, and one of the best ways to ensure that it is a healthy one is to come see us for regular prenatal appointments! 

Prenatal care is our newest service here at the Center, so we wanted to walk you through a typical prenatal care appointment schedule. The blog will detail what to expect during each visit and how these appointments evolve throughout your pregnancy.

Why is Prenatal Care Important 

Prenatal care is essential to ensuring a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby. From early pregnancy to the days leading up to delivery, we will track your baby’s development and your health. 

Pregnancy checkups are spaced out depending on how far along you are, starting with monthly visits and becoming more frequent as your due date approaches. 

Regular prenatal appointments are a crucial part of preventive care. They help detect potential concerns early and ensure everything is on track.

First Trimester Prenatal Appointments

First Prenatal Appointment

Your first prenatal appointment occurs between 4 and 8 weeks, and this is when your pregnancy is confirmed.

Week 10-12 Prenatal Appointment

The big first-trimester prenatal visit typically occurs around 10-12 weeks. At this appointment, we will thoroughly review your medical history and provide a physical exam. You’ll also receive important information about prenatal vitamins and lifestyle tips to help you maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Tests & Checks May Include:

  • Blood pressure and weight check.
  • Blood work (CBC, blood type, Rh factor).
  • Urine test for infection screening.
  • Genetic testing options like NIPT or NT ultrasound.
  • Fetal heartbeat detection via ultrasound.
  • Pap smear.
  • Early glucose screening test.

What are we checking for:

Dating ultrasound, early fetal development, and screening for anemia and infections.

Second Trimester Prenatal Appointments

Week 16 Prenatal Appointment

By week 16, you’ll have a routine checkup to discuss any new symptoms and monitor your pregnancy’s progress. This is the time when many moms start to feel their baby move—an exciting milestone! At this appointment, you and your doctor will discuss childbirth education and how to make healthy choices during your pregnancy, as well as multiple tests to ensure both you and your baby are healthy.

Tests & Checks May Include:

  • Blood pressure and weight check.
  • Quad screen or AFP test to screen for neural tube defects.
  • Fetal heart rate monitoring.
  • Fundal height measurement.
  • Iron level check.

What are we checking for:

Baby’s growth, potential complications, and continued monitoring of your health.

Week 20 Anatomy Scan (Mid-pregnancy Ultrasound)

The week 20 anatomy scan is a detailed ultrasound that provides a closer look at your baby. This is one of the most exciting pregnancy milestones, as you’ll be able to see your baby’s organs, limbs, and overall development.

Tests & Checks May Include:

  • Detailed ultrasound for anatomy check.
  • Measurement of amniotic fluid levels and placenta position.
  • Monitoring for structural abnormalities.
  • Blood pressure and iron level check.

What are we checking for:

Development of the baby’s organs, limbs, and overall health of you and the baby..

Week 24 Prenatal Appointment

By week 24, you’ll continue with regular pregnancy checkups. At this stage, your doctor or nurse practitioner will pay close attention to your glucose levels and screen for gestational diabetes. They will also be checking in on your general comfort level and ensuring you are feeling well.

Tests & Checks May Include:

  • Glucose screening test.
  • Blood pressure and weight check.
  • Fetal heart rate and iron level monitoring.

What are we checking for:

 Signs of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.

Third Trimester Prenatal Appointments

Week 28 Prenatal Appointment

At 28 weeks, your prenatal appointments will start occurring more frequently, and your doctor or nurse practitioner will continue to monitor your baby’s growth and your overall health. Your doctor will also likely discuss labor and delivery plans, as well as go over Braxton-Hicks contractions and how to recognize them.

Tests & Checks May Include:

  • Rh immunoglobulin shot (if you’re Rh-negative).
  • Glucose tolerance test.
  • Blood pressure, fetal heart rate, and iron levels.
  • Fasting blood test for gestational diabetes.

What are we checking for:

 Proper fetal growth, blood sugar levels, and Rh incompatibility.

Week 30 Prenatal Appointment

Around week 30, your appointments will shift focus toward delivery preparation and monitoring your baby’s position.

Tests & Checks May Include:

  • Blood pressure, weight, iron levels.
  • Fetal heart rate and fundal height measurements.

What are we checking for:

Signs of pre-eclampsia and ensuring that your baby’s position is ideal for delivery.

Week 32 Prenatal Appointment

At week 32, you will start having weekly appointments, each focusing on signs of labor and preparing for delivery.

A Group B Strep (GBS) test will be administered to check for the presence of bacteria that could affect your baby during delivery.

Tests & Checks May Include:

  • Group B Strep (GBS) test.
  • Blood pressure, fetal heart rate, and iron level check.
  • Cervical exam to check for dilation and effacement.

What are we checking for:

The presence of GBS bacteria and the baby’s position, ensuring everything is on track for delivery.

Final Month Prenatal Appointments (Weeks 36-40)

Week 37-40 Weekly Prenatal Appointments

In the final weeks of pregnancy, prenatal care becomes even more critical. These weekly appointments focus on monitoring your and the baby’s health and assessing your readiness for labor. While you are preparing for your labor and delivery, your doctor will also want to ensure that you are prepared for post-birth, and that you have resources in home and community support (i.e. baby supplies, a pediatrician, child care).

Tests & Checks May Include:

  • Blood pressure, weight, iron levels.
  • Fetal heart rate and fundal height.
  • Cervix checks to monitor for signs of labor.

What we are checking for:

Baby’s health and readiness for birth, ensuring labor progresses naturally or determining if induction is necessary.

Post-Due Date Monitoring (Week 40+)

If your baby hasn’t made an appearance by week 40, your doctor and nurse practitioner will closely monitor your pregnancy with non-stress tests and discuss possible induction methods if necessary.

Tests & Checks May Include:

  • Fetal heart rate.
  • Amniotic fluid levels.

What are we checking for:

You and your baby’s well-being, and deciding on the next steps for delivery.

Delivering Your Baby

When it’s time to deliver, you’ll head to the St. David’s Women’s Center in North Austin. The on-call resident doctors will monitor your labor and assist with the birth, ensuring a safe and smooth delivery.

Postpartum Checkup

Six weeks after delivery, you’ll return for a postpartum checkup to ensure you’re recovering well and to discuss any concerns or follow-up care you may need.

Importance of Prenatal Appointments

Following the prenatal appointment schedule is essential for your health and that of your baby. 

Regular visits allow us to monitor your pregnancy, catch any potential issues early, and guide you through this beautiful journey. 

Sticking to this schedule ensures you take the best care of yourself and your growing baby.

Feel free to call us 512-443-2888 with any questions or make an appointment using the form below. 

We can’t wait to be a part of your prenatal care journey!

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